Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Oh for crapssake.

Yeah.  Don’t hit, ok guys?

How clever.  What an orginal concept.

There are two ways to interpret this license plate.  Neither is flattering.

First option, this Nissan Altima is the prized possession of Miss Cleversocks Indiana and she really would like you to not bash into her with your car.  You know, cause that’s what we all do while we are on the road.  I know for me personally, I find myself ramming people almost constantly, but I am only stopped by instructional vanity plates.  Well, those and those “Baby on Board” placards, because once I know that you are transporting an infant I will transfer my laser focus of destructive rage onto someone else, a car without a baby, or a Nissan without very clear notes on what not to do to it perhaps, because I just cannot be stopped.  It is a compulsion.  I must hit something.

I cannot be trusted without clear guidelines.  Very clear, and very specific guidelines.

I’d say the above description is probably not what the driver had intended.   It would be more interesting if she had.

I think she is taking the extremely controversial stance and trying to tell us not to hit.  As in, don’t assault each other.

It’s a good thing I saw this license plate too, because just as I was balling up my fist to start beating the crap out of my coworker, I got a text message with this photo (thank you Nikki for sharing, without your help I would have had to have yet another uncomfortable conversation with HR).  Phew.  Close call.

Listen.  I don’t have anything against you being against hitting.  I just think it’s stupid.  Who really is not against hitting?  Is any one of us out there with picket signs claiming that violence really is the answer?

Ok, maybe there are some people who believe in the occasional act of violence, but they still aren’t starting a movement to whack people in the face whenever the mood strikes them.  

Still, I suppose if they were, this lady is telling them what’s up.  Although, I am 100% certain that the Pro-Hitting Party of America (PHPA) will not have their opinions swayed by this stupid license plate.  It's like the "End Elder Abuse" bumper stickers, how many people were on their way to abuse the elderly, got stuck in traffic, and changed their mind because they saw a bumper sticker.  Zero.  You are either the type of person who assaults people (young or old), or you aren't, and I don't see how your car decorations are going to make a difference.

So, the moral of the story is don’t hit.  Don’t hit, but also, don’t be stupid.

Knock it off, your car makes  you look stupid.  

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