Wednesday, April 16, 2014


On my Disneyland Drive, I saw so many cars I couldn’t quite get photos of.

One of those was the same model as the XRUNNER we saw earlier with LV2KYAK on it.
What the hell is up with these sports car drivers and their express need to tell us all about how they really do love sports?

I also saw one mentioned in a previous post, that I couldn’t get, a sperm colored Cadillac Escalade with [heart]BNSLLY (of “Love Bein’ Silly) on it. Gag.

And this…

I know it is a bad photo, sorry, but it is your first introduction to the California STAR symbol.  At the bottom of this post I will include a picture of what the star looks like on another plate, one that is only minorly stupid, not aggressively stupid like this one.

It says *DVTCHK

Ok.  So.  Is she a Divot Chick?  Does that mean she likes golf?  Because if it does mean that she likes golf, it also means that she is pretty bad at golf if she is known as Divot Chick.  Divots happen to everyone, but if that’s your nickname, you must have had some pretty huge chunks of grass flying around on a regular basis.

If she is not a golfer, that must mean she suffers from one of my biggest hypochondriacal fears, Deep Vein Thrombosis, also known as DVT.

But, that’s not really something one would advertise on one’s Volkswagen, right?  It’s almost as weird as advertising you are terrible at golf.

Unless, she is the curer of Deep Vein Thrombosis.  Maybe she has a clinic with one of those lasers and sells compression socks and produces PSAs telling people to walk around on airplanes.  But...  probably not.

I think it’s probably golf related.

And even though I think it is stupid, I like this girl better than the one who loves BNG herself.

Knock it off, your car makes you look stupid.

*** This is an example of the star symbol, this plate is still stupid, but since I am fairly certain it’s a name, there’s not much I can say about it.  So… here ya go.  Now I just need to find a handprint for you all.

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