Thursday, March 20, 2014


As with all of my posts, I will preface this with the disclaimer that I am sure she is a really nice person, but....

This lady loves Bon Jovi.

I mean, she REALLY loves Bon Jovi.

The back window alone has FOUR stickers, all praising the Farrah-haired songbird.  And then... the plate.

This is many of yous' first introduction to the license plate heart.  I mentioned it in my first post, but it is real.  And it is absurd.

This, as with many vanity plates I have seen, garners some confusion.  Does this say 'One love Bon Jovi', or (as I assume) 'I heart Bon Jovi'?  If it is the second, does that mean that someone else in the great state of California beat her to the I, so she had to make do with the 1?  Also... why?  WHY?  Are the stickers not enough, does her love of Bon Jovi trump her taste levels?  Oh.  Wait.  Her overwhelming love of Bon Jovi clearly indicates a complete lack of taste.  Nevermind.

Note: Bon Jovi is ok.  He is OK.  I liked him on Ally McBeal, some of his music is not terrible, and he's not the ugliest man on the planet, but he certainly does not warrant this type of affection.

I keep referring to the driver as a woman.  I don't know this for sure.  I mean, I can only assume it is a lady, because no self-respecting man would do this to a perfectly fine mid-sized SUV.  Somewhere a husband is horrified to be a passenger in this vehicle and his balls shrink just a little bit whenever his car is in the shop.  I can just hear the taunts now from his buddies on the construction site.  She gives him a bad name.

Knock it off, your car makes you look stupid.

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