Thursday, May 8, 2014


My brother sent me this photo, the following text conversation occurred.  It pretty much captures everything I would ever need to say about this.

        Note: I am C, Warren is W.

W: Driver is a long grey haired want to be hippie male socks and sandals Birkenstocks! And his yuppie wife

C: Sweet lord.  This is good.

W: I turned around!  And drove back 3 blocks to get the pic

C: I appreciate it

W: And thankfully I saw the stupid driver get out of his stupid BMW

C: Yes!

W: Are you fucking kidding me?!
W: Carma spelled wrong on a BMW?

C: Yes, but he's trying to make a pun
C: CARma
C: Stupid
C: Not clever

W: I know!
W: Do you think he tried karma first? And then when it was taken he thought he would try and be cool and a dick and use carma and say it was a pun?

C: No, I think he is a douche who just picked CARMA

W: Hahaha
W: He looked like the type who would do that
W: It is hard for me to believe he could be such an a hole

C: It's hard to believe any of them could.

[end of conversation]

I don't think I need to say anything else.

If you don't want to be a part of these types of conversations discussing whether you are stupid or an a-hole, it is 100% avoidable.

Knock it off, your car makes you look stupid.

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